Watercolors by Eunice Kinsey: June 16 through July 29

Plein Air Classes by Margaret Wiseheart Anderson

Women of Picasso: the Artist and His Muses 

Thursdays in July and August 6 to 8

The Arts Center’s 2023 Summer programming will emphasize the life and work of Pablo Picasso whose evolution as an artist had an “outsized” influence on art in the 20th Century. 2023 is the fiftieth anniversary of Picasso’s death and institutions throughout the world are mounting exhibitions on his work. Greater Barton Arts will produce several art classes: painting in the style of several periods, building sculpture from found objects, and painting self-portraits based on two of his own most famous. In addition, GBA will host lectures, Spanish meals, a “common read” and discussion of Patrick O’Brian’s biography, and films. For more information consult Greater Barton Arts’ website: www.greaterbartonarts.com or contact Adrien Helm (802) 525-3740.



Annual memberships assure that we can continue supporting artists and artisans in the Northeast Kingdom, continue art education for adults and children, keep the lights on and the water hot! Please consider becoming a member – $25 for an individual or artist; $40 for a family, or a sustaining monthly membership , or a patron or angel level gift. Go to Greaterbartonarts.com “Support GBA” or send a check to Greater Barton Arts to P. O. Box 171, Barton, Vermont 05822.


Dolly Parton  Imagination Library Key Facts

1995 Dolly Parton establishes the program in Pigeon Forge Tennessee

2001 the program expands to 27 affiliates in 11 states

2002 The United Way organization helps the Imagination Library to reach Native American communities

2007 the program expands to Canada and the UK

2010 30 million books have been mailed

2012 audio and braille versions of books made available

2018 The Imagination Library dedicates its 100 millionth book to the Library of Congress

November 1, 2021 GBA becomes an affiliate – currently 850+ children in NEK get books under our program

2022 The program reaches 2 million books mailed each month, with 1 in 10 children in the United States

Support it now – $26/child per year – 12 age appropriate books