Text and Visual Image Show : Hit the BUTTON to view this virtual gallery event. On site Summer of 2021.

events 2020 (covid Style)
Most activities will be virtual or outdoors, depending on
COVID-19 conditions.
Current planning includes:
Northeast Kingdom plein air painting series. (Check Facebook page: plein air NEK for details).
Art for children – outdoor and socially distanced arts and crafts at least one morning a week in August.
Adult painting and drawing classes – online or outdoors.
Virtual film and discussions, lectures, book discussions, and writing workshops.
Outdoor film screenings and “paint and sip events” are all in planning stages.
(with safety first)
Upcoming Event Schedule
Art Activities for Kids
Starting Thursday July 30 to August 20 * 10 AM to Noon * Outdoors * Masks and Socially Distanced
“Make and Take” art fun for children 6 and up. Register here or at 802-525-3740 * By Donation
Projects will be inspired by famous artists and include some background information on them.
Adult Classes