GBA Membership Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastUse Message box below to add more family member names.Email *Phone Number(s)Type of Membership *Individual ($25)Family ($40)Artist ($25)Senior ($25)Friend ($75)Sponser ($100)Patron ($250)Art Angel ($1000+)Greater Barton Arts is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.MessageAdd family member names, comments, suggestions, questions, volunteer offers and anything else you'd like to share.Payment Type *CheckCashCredit CardPayPalMail checks to Greater Barton Arts at PO Box 171, Barton VT 05822, or stop by the Art Center at 396 Main Street in Barton. To use a credit card or PayPal, please contact the Greater Barton Arts facebook page until we get our website up and running.WebsiteSubmit Membership Type Individual $25.00 USDFamily $40.00 USDArtist/Senior $25.00 USDSustaining Member (repeating monthly) $5.00 USDFriend $75.00 USDSponser $100.00 USDPatron $250.00 USDArt Angel $1000.00+USD