Dolly Parton Imagination Library/Everybody Reads in the Kingdom
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a special focus of Greater Barton Arts. GBA is an Affiliate of the program and can register any child age 0 to 5 years to receive a free age appropriate books sent to them in their name each month until age 5. The experts that pick these books know that providing parents with the texts (and tips on how to use them) increase the reading to their child by 4 times (and for low income families by 8 times!) The program gives a vital jump start to children as the brain is being “wired” and assists in language formation and reading readiness. GBA is proud to be part of this effort and has pledged to pay for the first 10 children enrolled in any town village and gore throughout the Northeast Kingdom. Glover and Barton Libraries led the way and the program is now rapidly expanding throughout the Kingdom.
Here is a registration form: DPIL reg form. Directions on how to file it are on the form.